Dojo Kun
(the rules of the Dojo)
Although we may not always train in a formal karate school, the principles and traditions are still maintained to assist us in our training.
The dojo is a special place where we train ourselves physically and mentally. Students must respect the dojo and observe the following rules:
All Black Belts are to be addressed as SENSEI
Higher belts must assist lower ranks in techniques but must not show higher kata to lower ranks
No student will provoke violence, inside or outside the dojo, or allow himself to be provoked into violence
Any members misusing the art of karate in fighting will be expelled from the dojo
No alcohol will be taken before class. Consuming candy, gum and any other food or drink are also forbidden during class. Never bring food, gum or drink into the dojo.
Students must comply with the dojo health rules. Personal cleanliness is essential. Fingernails and toenails must be clipped at all times.
No rings, watches, earrings, necklaces, or other jewelry may be worn during class.
Never engage in loud chatter or foolish behavior
Always warm up with stretching and basic exercises before karate practice.
Remember this is YOUR Dojo – Take care of it